Course List
Last Updated:
14/02/2024 - 14:01
Below is a list of all courses available to COGS students. METU Academic Catalogue for COGS coded corses is available here.
Must courses
- COGS 501 Algorithmic Structures in Cognition
- COGS 502 Symbols and Programming
- COGS 500 Research Ethics
Core Courses
- COGS 511 Computational Models of Mind
- COGS 512 Cognitive Algorithms
- COGS 514 Cognition and Machine Learning
- COGS 515 Artificial Intelligence for Cognitive Science
- COGS 516 Introduction to Probabilistic Programming
- COGS 542 Grammars, Combinators and Cognition
- COGS 555 Connectionism and Human Behavior
- COGS 566 Probabilistic Models of Cognition
- COGS 519 The Grounding of Language and Cognition in Perception
- COGS 524 Linguistic and Cognitive Aspects of Sign Language
- COGS 533 Functional Neuroanatomy
- COGS 534 Cognition Perception and Action
- COGS 535 Cognitive Development
- COGS 536 Methods and Statistics for Cognitive Science
- COGS 537 Dynamical Approaches to Cognitive Science
- COGS 551 Human Memory
- COGS 552 Thought and Language Processes
- COGS 553 Psychology of Reading
- COGS 554 Auditory Cognition
- COGS 556 Visual Cognition
- COGS 557 Situated & Distributed Cognition
- COGS 558 Thinking, reasoning, problem solving
- COGS 559 Cognitive Neurophysiology
- COGS 567 Collective Intelligence
- COGS 595 Affective Neuroscience and Computing
- COGS 757 Neurogenetics of Learning and Memory
- COGS 758 Time and Cognition
- COGS 517 Philosophy of Cognitive Science
- COGS 526 Meaning and Logic
- COGS 527 Dynamic Semantics
- COGS 538 Consciousness and Cognition
- COGS 579 Philosophy of Computer Science
- COGS 505 Linguistics in Cognitive Science
- COGS 520 Advanced Research on Linguistics in Cognitive Science
- COGS 522 Lexical Semantics
- COGS 523 Using Corpora for Language Research
- COGS 525 Cognitive Semantics
- COGS 528 Discourse Mechanisms
- COGS 530 Modern Theories of Grammar
- COGS 531 Language & Cognition
- COGS 532 Theoretical Linguistics
- COGS 541 Language Acquisition
- COGS 543 Computational Semantics
Elective courses
Elective courses cannot subsitute for departmental courses and the decision to take them is contingent upon the instructor's discretion.
- ARCH 463 Introduction to the Theory of Shape Grammars
- BIOL 409 Introduction to Neurobiology
- BIOL 417 Neurochemistry
- BlOL 704 Advances in Neuroscience
- CENG 444 Language Processors
- CENG 499 Special Topics: Introduction to Machine Learning
- CENG 561 Artificial Intelligence
- CENG 562 Machine Learning
- CENG 563 Computational Linguistics
- CENG 564 Pattern Recognition
- CENG 565 Theory of Computation
- CENG 566 Image Processing
- CENG 567 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- CENG 568 Knowledge Engineering
- CENG 569 Neurocomputing
- CENG 580 Multiagent systems
- CENG 581 Automated Reasoning
- CENG 582 Advanced Neural Modeling
- CENG 583 Computational Vision
- CENG 584 Cognitive Aspects of Natural Language Processing
- CENG 585 Fundamentals of Autonomous Robotics
- CENG 701 Virtual Reality
- CENG 783 Deep Learning
- CENG 786 Robot Motion Planning and Control
- CENG 784 Statical NLP
- CMP 670 Statistical NLP (from Hacettepe University)
- EE 496 Special Topics: Introduction to Computational Intelligence
- EE 543 Neurocomputers
- EE 586 Artificial Intelligence
- ELT 506 Second Language Acquisition
- ELT 520 English-Turkish Contrastive Analysis
- ELT 530 Modern Theory of Grammar
- ELT 608 Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis
- ELT 611 Psycholinguistics
- ELT 615 Linguistic Analysis
- ELT 616 Human Language Processing
- ES 509 Partical Differential Equations in Computer Vision/Image Processing
- FLE 433 Advanced Syntax
- GATE 722 Audio for Games and Virtual Environments
- IS 580 Data Mining
- IS 566 Image Processing Algorithms
- IS 573 Human Computer Interaction
- IS 785 Social Network Analysis
- MIN 505 Neuroimaging: Anatomy, Physiology And Function Of The Human Brain
- MIN 537 Neural networks for biomedical applications
- MIN 543 Methodology and Philosophy of Neuroscience
- MIN 533 Brain Dynamics and Oscillations
- MIN 550 Systems Neuroscience
- MIN 555 Principles of Cognitive Neuroscience
- MMI 727 Deep Learning Methods and Applications
- PHIL 405 Philosophy of Language
- PHIL 507 Philosophical Logic l
- PHIL 508 Philosophical Logic ll
- PHIL 510 Topics in Epistemology
- PHIL 523 Studies in Philosophy of Science l
- PHIL 524 Studies in Philosophy of Science ll
- PHIL 527 Philosophy in Science
- PHIL 528 Contemporary Naturalistic Philosophies of Human Nature
- PHIL 529 Philosophy of Biology
- PHIL 551 Advanced Logic
- PHIL 621 Philosophy of Mind l
- PHIL 622 Philosophy of Mind ll
- PHIL 632 Dynamics of Scientific Theories
- PHIL 633 Foundations of Logic l
- PHIL 634 Foundations of Logic ll
- PHIL 644 Current Problems in Philosophy
- PHIL 653 Theories of Scientific Method
- PHIL 655/640 Research Problems in Philosophy of Science
- PSY 374 Biological Psychology
- PSY 385 Introduction to Cognitive Science
- PSY 514 Language Development
- PSY 526 Memory development in infancy and childhood
- PSY 585 Experimental Programming