Here is a list of past seminars:

* ISBCS2015 - (April 19, 2015)

* CogSci in Germany- CogSci in Turkey (May 23, 2014)

*•    Aravind Joshi (University of Pennsylvania) was one of the invited speakers of Informatics Festival (June 8-10, 2011), organized by the Informatics Institute. His keynote address can be found here: Some Aspects of Transition from Sentence to Discourse

* Psycholinguistics and Cognitive Science (September 21-22, 2010)

Invited Speakers: Theo Maninis (University of Reading), Belma Haznedar (Bosphorus University)

* Cognition and Neuroscience: Neuroanatomy, fMRI and Modelling of Human Vision (March 8, 2008)

* Philosophy and Cognitive Science: Theory Building and Empirical Methods (March 10, 2007)

* Language and Computation (May 4-6, 2006)

Invited Speakers: Mark Steedman and Bonnie Webber (University of Edinburgh)

Last Updated:
14/07/2023 - 14:48